S1. Ep 1~ What a Kingdom Business Is…What It is Not!

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What A Kingdom Business Is...What It is Not!
Dr. Andrea I. Hart

Thank you for joining us. In this episode, Dr. Andrea will be discussing the definition of a kingdom business. We will bring clarity to your most common questions about running a business God’s way. We will dispel myths and thoughts regarding how a kingdom business should operate and who should be running them. 

We tackle the following questions and issues:

  • What is a kingdom business?

    • The purpose of a Kingdom business is to demonstrate God’s way of doing things while creating wealth and serving your customers.

  • What a kingdom business is not…

    • A kingdom business is not a church, although a church might own businesses

  • Why have a kingdom-based business?

    • People are looking for the righteous to be in authority

  • How does your relationship with Christ affect your business and customers?

  • And more!

Scriptures Mentioned: Luke 17:20-21 AMPC, Proverbs 29:2 AMPC

Join us! You will learn about these items and more on Season 1: Episode 1 of The Kingdom Business Leadership Podcast

Resources & Links Mentioned in the Show

Episode Sponsor: Bluehost

  • Receive web hosting for $3.95 per month ($8-10 regularly). Get your domain name address also. Click here for the special offer http://bit.ly/bluehost-kbln 

Dr. Andrea’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kingdombusinessleadership/ 

Dr. Andrea’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/thekbln/ 


S1. Ep. 3. Is God Your CEO? Part 2


S1: Ep. 2~Is God Your CEO, Part 1