Hi! My name is Dr. Andrea. I help Christian authors, coaches, speakers, & service providers build their platforms & monetize their knowledge & expertise. I will help you grow in your ability to hear the voice of God and walk strongly in your spiritual gifts.
Let me assist you with building your business strategy, overcoming overwhelm, and defeating the imposter syndrome holding you hostage.
Welcome! I am your faith-based business coach and consultant. I am passionate about helping you partner with God to fulfill His plan and purpose in your life. I come from the business and ministry world. I have worked in corporations, educational institutions, non-profits, and small businesses for the past 20 years. From then until now I am a firm believer that God wants you to exercise your spiritual gifts, natural know-how, and expertise for His glory. I am dedicated to helping you own a business where God is your CEO and you use your platform of business as ministry.
So what’s my business story….
In 2012, I left a great government job to pursue entrepreneurship in the health care arena. My husband, mom and I purchased a health care franchise. Through seemingly blood, sweat, and tears (literally lol) we grew this to a business making 6-figures over multiple years. We hired over 100 nursing professionals over a span of 4 years. We exemplified Christ in our business unapologetically (without being overly religious or condescending).
That business was stressful! We made a lot of mistakes but learned a lot in the process. In that business, I felt like I grew up spiritually and emotionally.
Fast-forward to today, I work in the education, ministry, and business fields. I help entrepreneurs, especially coaches, consultants, authors, and other service professionals excel in business without sacrificing who they are and utilizing their spiritual gifts to make a difference in the world.
I consider myself called to help fellow business professionals gain clarity, package their expertise and create communities where they can spread their message while creating multiple rivers of wealth in their lives.
Click Here to Visit my LinkedIn Page for My Professional Deets
Interesting Tidbits…
I’m originally from Michigan. My parents and sister still live there.
My sister is a medical doctor (internist & pediatrician). She is the co-host of my other podcast, “Prescription for Divine Health.”
My husband is a double- transplant recipient (pancreas & kidney). Click Here to Read the Testimony
I am passionate about health and healing! I have another whole platform called “God Still Heals” dedicated to it! Click Here to visit
I know how to play 3 different saxophones (alto, tenor, & baritone). I also took classical piano lessons for 7 years!
I lived in Bulgaria for 3 months interning at a medical school at 19 years old.
I have been to the countries of Bulgaria, Romania, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and counting.
My husband Royce and I do not have any kids (yet :)), but we are on a fertility journey.
I hate greens (collard, mustard), but love spinach. ;)
I love watching HGTV for hours lol!