The Kingdom Business Leadership Network

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3. Your Unique Value Proposition

Broadcast Notes

Today we will be discussing your unique value proposition

Birthed Out of Your Audience Pain Points

Ask Yourself~

·      What does your target audience care about?

o   Did you ask questions?

o   Survey

o   Look at forums with your ideal audience

o   In groups search words like “I need help” “I need support”

o   Create a list of these items in the customers words

·      Your message should be customer focused


What is your vision for your brand?

·      Ultimately what is the big transformation?

·      Write it out & post it where you see it regularly

·      Where do you see what you are doing going over time----- write it out

·      We will be talking through this in our Free Masterclass Friday along with how to package your expertise.


What is your unique value proposition?

·      Study your competitors. Are you so alike that people can’t tell a difference?

·      Your uniqueness could be around how you deliver your message

·      Or how you insert your values into the message

·      Or is it geared towards a certain gender or cultural group?


Value Proposition Formula

·      Formula= Who, What, Problem/Pain Point, How

·      I help [who you serve] to [problem you solve] with [solution you provide/how you help].


How Do You Find the Problems Your Audience Have?

·      Work directly with them (serve, volunteer, talk to people in person or online). Go where they are at & ask questions

·      Find others in the similar space and see what problems their branding says that they solve

·      This is your Brand Promise


This will eventually help you to discover Brand Pillars

·      The 3-4 most important selling points of your product

·      Mine are: Clarity, Community, Education, Kingdom (spirit- filled)

·      Other examples are Easy, Online, Relevant

·      Each pillar is supported by a key benefit

This will make your marketing consistent & targeted…