The Kingdom Business Leadership Network

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2. Developing Your Brand Message

Broadcast Notes

To master your message you must:

·      Find your voice

·      Find your audience/tribe

·      Create Community

·      Nurture Relationships


Who is your audience?

·      It’s not everybody

·      Utilize demographics & psychographics (attitudes, aspirations, values- why they buy)  to describe them

·      Who resonates with your message

·      This is your market


3 M’s

·      Market= people you want to talk to

·      Media= where & how you engage with those people (social media, radio, print, etc)

·      Message=the story you tell (attraction/hook, engagement, offer)



·      Need to target message & offer



·      Millennial female entry-level employees in Fortune 500 health care companies

·      Christian women 25-45 who have experienced divorce and the loss of a parent


You must target.


What is your brand message?

·      Brand Identity (who your business is at the core) & Personality (how you express your message)

·      Everything is in alignment-ie. FedEx

·      It’s you!

o   Core Values

·      We will discuss more during “Make God Your CEO Challenge”


How are you?

·      Inner Healing

·      Fruit of the spirit (Gal 5)


How to Develop?

·      Ask current audience (survey or poll)

·      Ask family & friends

·      Online

Take notes & test your market